Monday, December 30, 2013

The Basic Handbook on Buddhism and Reincarnation Relating to Karma

This is one of my favorite articles to read. I have to go back time to time to look at this and to reflect on my own life. Not the past but the "now" to see where I'm mentally at. Am I going in the right direction? Do I need to readjust my goals, actions and how I'm looking upon life and others in the moment.

I grabbed some of my favorite parts to share with you:

"By actions, thoughts, and words, man is releasing spiritual energy to the universe and he is in turn affected by influences coming in his direction. Man is therefore the sender and receiver of all these influences. The entire circumstances surrounding him is his karma."

"With each action-influence he sends out and at the same time, receives, he is changing. This changing personality and the world he lives in, constitute the totality of his karma."

"What we are, then, is entirely dependent on what we think. Therefore, the nobility of man's character is dependent on his"good" thoughts, actions, and words. At the same time, if he embraces degrading thoughts, those thoughts invariably influence him into negative words and actions."

There is so much more to this guide, please check it out. Think deeply on it and change your karma. 

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