Monday, December 23, 2013

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce was a loving husband, a father of two children, a skilled photographer, a devoted Sunday School teacher, and an eager gardener. Yet, throughout his life, he also displayed one of the most remarkable psychics the world has ever known. 

Edgar Cayce would lay down on his couch and fall into a self-induced sleep state. He would close his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. This state of relaxation and meditation enabled him to place his mind in contact with all time and space. From this state he could respond to questions of all kinds. His responses to these questions came to be called "readings" and contain insights so valuable that even to this day individuals have found practical help for everything from maintaining a well-balanced diet and improving human relationships to overcoming life-threatening illnesses and experiencing a closer walk with God.

Visit the Website Dedicated to Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce A.R.E

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