
Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Long Wheel~ A Look into Reincarnation

The Long Wheel Part 1~ One Hand Clapping
JAD explains the workings of getting her movie trailer into production:
"Recently I have been putting together a script for a teaser trailer we are planning to shoot for our next film, “One Hand Clapping.” To encapsulate a 115 page script into a 7-8 page trailer has not been easy. But then I don’t want to give away too much anyway, unlike what a lot of trailers do nowadays. As I was going through the script I started remembering the history behind it all."Continue Reading...

The Long Wheel Part 2~ Dreams Awake
JAD explains the fears, beliefs and origins of reincarnation. 
"Life. Death. Rebirth. Reincarnation? Anything to that question?
Maybe, but the fear of death and its ongoing anxiety has always a very universal fact, even though 90% of us believe in an afterlife (according to recent polls). Thus making it a subject for ongoing inquiry and discussion, as it seems the real fear is the plain fact that death is the greatest mystery of all, at least in relation to our normal physical reality." Continue Reading...

The Long Wheel Part 3~ Dreams Awake
JAD sums up the history of beliefs on reincarnation and delves into the ways to remember past lives.
"Actually, in the 20th century the concept of reincarnation evolved somewhat from the more traditional Eastern version. In the east the notion of reincarnation has been looked upon in a more negative way. By having to incarnate again, one has failed to achieve the spiritual goals needed to be free of the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Having to come back and suffer the consequences of the physical is looked upon as a type of failure." Continue Reading...

The Trailer

Buy the DVD

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