
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dave's Story

Read Dave's story:

"As I passed into the Pearly gates, that seemed to touch the sky, I couldn't see the top of them nor where it ended on either side. As soon as I entered I saw my Uncle Sam! I couldn't believe it! He had died so many years ago when I was a little boy. He just smiled and I could feel so much love coming from him, and for me. I remembered all the fun times but at the same time, realized I had known him before this lifetime even. We were truly friends in the spirit world, not just Uncle and Nephew on the earth. He pushed me forward and I realized there was my second grade teacher that had died in a car accident, and my grandma, and my next door neighbor. I didn't see my dog Bruno but knew he was there, I just knew I would see him soon also. Everything felt whole here. Noone was speaking, not with their voices, they would just look at me and I'd feel there love or somehow hear their thoughts. There was nothing but love.

I became aware of music. I could hear angels singing, all at the same time, many different songs, some I knew and some I didn't. I couldn hear every instrument ever known playing. I could pick it out. Pianos, harps, saxes, all of it. It was surreal. Saying this now it seems so silly, that you could have all that going on at once, and it not sound bad, but it didn't. It wasn't of the earth. There is noway to explain it here. Picture a choir at church singing with a symphony playing, it was that times 100.

All of a sudden I saw my Aunt put her hand up and say, "Stop, you must return now, you are not ready." I pleaded to stay. Even though I love my family and my dog very much, I couldn't imagine coming back to the physical existence after being there. I felt like I was back where I was supposed to be. it was almost like I never had left in the first place.

That is all I remember. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital. I had had a cardiac arrest and doctors told me they had to resuscitate me three times. I will never forget it.Yet, i feel like there might be parts of my experience I don't remember. I can't explain why. I don't regret coming back. I am now engaged to a beautiful women, but I don't fear death anymore. I know where we are going is a good place to be."


  1. dave, I also had a similiar experience two years ago. I had cardiac arrest and my lungs also shut down due to pneumonia complications and also had to be resuscitated, but I remember being in a peaceful loving place it looked like I was floating on clouds soft billowing fluffy clouds and I could see shapes of people in the distance I couldn't see their faces but I could hear them whispering, but everything felt so calming loving and peaceful, no one came up to me but as far as I know I was only resuscitated twice so maybe I wasnt there long enough to see more, but I remember looking around, and I am catholic but not overly religious I don't go to church but I found myself looking into jesus's eyes as he was standing before me and was smiling at me, I don't know what this means but I like you am not afraid of dying anymore there is nothing to fear and it is beautiful

    1. Marisa that is really beautiful! I am glad you had a peaceful experience too. If you want we can write up your story too. Let us know! I think sharing these stories brings peace for those who have lost someone or who are suffering from terminal illnesses.
