
Monday, December 2, 2013

Cleansing Away Negativity, Spirits or Bad Health

Cleansing You and Your Home of Unwanted Spirits, Negativity or Ill Health

As a "ghost hunter" I have been asked many times how do you get rid of unwanted "guests" in your house? There are several ways to help you do this. I will compile a couple of them here. Whichever method you choose to do, please enter it with an open heart, ask God, or the "Universe" to help you get rid of any negative energy. Mentally picture yourself and whoever is in the house with a protective white light surrounding you. Good luck to you and I hope you can live peacefully and comfortably in your home again.


Smudging is a Native American Ritual in which they ward off negative energy and invite in positive energy by burning certain herbs. They use is to cleanse a person or an area. Burning herbs for emotional, physical, or spiritual purification is common practice in many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. The theory behind smudging is that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space to be regenerated.Smudging is very effective when you've been feeling depressed, angry, or sick. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning or if you feel you have any unwanted "guests" or beings from the other side that are unwelcome in your home.

How to do it:

There is no one way to do a smudging ritual. Remember anything you do to cleanse negative energy, do it with an open positive heart. Leave yourself open to absorb any goodness in the universe and to reject any negative.

To start burning the herbs you will need a flame. A candle flame works good. Light the smudge stick. Once there's a flame blow it out so that the smudge stick is just smoldering. Blow or wave the flame with your hand to put out the fire. Allow the smudge stick to smolder, freeing the smoke to circle in the air.

If You are Smudging Yourself

Fan the swirls of smoke around your body from your feet to your head. Focus on areas that you feel are areas where there has been or is physical, emotional, or psychic pain. For example, if you are going through a divorce or break up, pay extra attention to your heart. If you are making a hard decision pay attention to your head. Picture in your mind's eye the smoke lifting away all the negative thoughts, pain, emotions and energies that have attached themselves to you. Or if you feel you have another "spirit" attached to you, imagine the smoke lifting it away up to "the light."

If you are Smudging Someone Else

If there are others around you who are helping you, everyone in the group should be smudged. Fan the smoke all around their bodies. You may want to say what your intention is as you do it. For example, "Let this smoke carry all pain and negativity away from this person." Or "If there are any spirits here, it is time for you to move on to where you are supposed to go. Let the smoke take you there."

Smudging a Room

Light the smudge stick and walk about the perimeter of the house or room you are cleansing. Spend some extra time in the corners and the places behind doors or any areas that feel "heavy." Some will fan the smoke throughout the room with a large feather. Make sure you are praying throughout this ritual and talking to "God" or the "universe" and ask for it's guidance.

Cleansing Items

You may also do these same ritual on items. If you feel you have an item that has negative energies attached to it, burn the smudge stick and fan the smoke over these items, while saying a prayers to release negative energies from the object.

Extinguishing the smudge stick

Make sure you have a fireproof receptacle to put the smudge stick in when you've finished. It's ideal to damp the stick out in sand or dirt or you can just press it against the bottom of the receptacle.

Herbs Used While Smudging

A variety of different herbs may be used to smudge. When the herbs used for smudging are tied into a bundle and allowed to dry they are called a "smudge stick".

* Sage- is used to drive out bad spirits, feelings, or influences, and also to keep bad spirits from entering the area where a ceremony takes place.

* Mugwort- is a form of Sage and this herb stimulates psychic awareness and acts a strong cleanser of negative energies.

* Lavender- restores balance, creates a peaceful atmosphere and attracts loving energy.

* Cedar- should be burned while praying either silently or out loud. The prayers are said to rise on the cedar smoke and are carried to the Creator. It is said to drive out negative energy; but it also brings in good energy.

* Sweetgrass- It is said it good to burn sweetgrass after the sage or cedar had driven out the bad influences. Sweetgrass brings in good spirits and the good influences. You should also pray while burning Sweetgrass so the bad energies go away with the smoke.

*Amber- is a sweet resin that can be burned on charcoal to release fearful and painful energy. It is often crumbled into massage oil as a healer for the skin or it can be rubbed directly onto the skin as a sweet subtle perfume.

* Copal Essence is the traditional incense burned by the native peoples of Central and South America. This rich and fragrant smoke can be used for initiations and clearings, before and after healing experiences. Copal is resinous incense and must be burned on a charcoal tablet.

Blessing Your Home With Holy Water

Here is another method of cleansing your house of unwanted Ghosts, Demons, or Spirits. Holy water is a good tool whether you are of Christian faith or not. You can go to a Catholic Church and get water that has been blessed by a priest. Take it to your house and walk around your home and splash this water by dipping your fingers in it and sprinkling it everywhere. Make sure to get everywhere in the home, closets, doorways, basements, attics, corners. It is good to do the outside of your house and your yard too.

Whatever religion you are invoke your God by calling to Him out loud and praying to help cleanse your home. For example if you`re of Christian faith, you can say the Lord's prayer while sprinkling Holy water and invoke the name of Jesus Christ asking that he remove any negative energies & spirits from your home. Just apply your religion. The important thing is that you have faith in who you are praying to and that what you are asking to happen will.

Any prayer will usually work as long as you have the faith that your god will protect you.

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael's name means. "Who is like God." He is known as the Prince of Light. It is said that if asked, he will clear away negative energy. Ask him to clear your home or whatever area you would like, of any negative energy that could affect you or any of your life purposes. Also ask him to clear up any negative energy in your life, for instance, if you are in an argument with someone, or having a hard time with a negative boss. Ask him to remove negativity from your life and bring forth strong positive changes and forces. Afterward thank him in your heart, and picture a white ball of light surrounding you and your family and your home that nothing evil can penetrate.

Prayer & Meditation

This seems so simple, but simply praying or meditating can be very powerful. Before I go on a ghost hunt, or if I am somewhere where I feel scared or heavy, I simply say a "protection" prayer. In my mind I imagine the light of the universe running through and around my body, and making a protective barrier so nothing evil can get in or attach to me. I pray that God's light surrounds me, and that my family and I will always be safe. I pray that any entities we may contact will stay where they are or go up to the light where they should be.

I use meditation in the same way. At night when I go to bed, I picture each of my auras, one by one, starting at my head and going down to my feet. The imagine a white light coming from the universal energy, running through me and around me. I picture each chakra and and concentrate on where I may need healing or strength. Then I say a prayer for God to protect me and heal me and take away anything that is negative and to help me follow my life's purpose.

I hope that one of these ways of "cleansing" will stand out to you. I hope it will help you achieve what you are aiming to achieve and that your world will be filled with love, light, and peace.

Items of Protection


Many paranormal investigators carry spiritual protection in dangerous and profoundly haunted settings. In considering if these will work you have to think about your own beliefs and the beliefs of what is haunting an area.

Here are some tools have been used successfully by believers, skeptics, and non-believers alike.


The most familiar protection may be garlic, usually fresh garlic. Long associated with vampires, garlic is supposed to repel evil spirits and entities.


White table salt, sea salt, or Kosher salt can be used. Some carry blessed or charged salt. This is salt that has been blessed by a religious person, sometimes a priest or other spiritual minister. According to many traditions, spirits cannot cross a line of salt. Others believe that salt generally repels evil spirits, and the salt can be carried in any container, in a small pouch around the neck, in a pocket or cast in the direction of the problem entity. Some outline the outside of their house with it. Salt may be blessed by prayer or by the full moon. One way to do this is to put sea salt in a clear glass bowl. Place the bowl on a window ledge where it will be in the light of the moon during the three days around the full moon.


Catholics and non-Catholics alike use holy water as protection from ghosts and evil in general. You can visit the nearest Catholic church for Holy water. In the church entry or lobby, there is usually some sort of drum or container with a spigot. Church members bring their own bottles to decant the holy water, and leave a couple of dollars as a donation.

Technically, anyone can bless their water to make it 'holy'. In older Catholic traditions, an individual makes the sign of the cross over the container of water and says, 'I bless this water in the name of the Father%u2026', and so on.

Many people also believe just having the Bible near you is a tool for protection


While many 'lucky charms' and protections refer to specific spiritual traditions, some are successful whether the person believes in that religion or tradition, or not. These include holy medals, pendants, or any "lucky" charms you feel are protective.To make your own protective item, say a prayer over it asking for extra protection when wearing or holding it.

Some will use a crucifix hung in areas that feel heavy or scary. Also you can hang one in each room or over doorways to bless whoever walks through.

Some paranormal investigators will leave a gift for the spirit who remains. If it is an abandoned house or the owners don't mind the company of their ghost, then to thank the ghost for cooperating with the investigation and for being "nice" to the family who lives there now, a gift may be left behind. For example, if a client believes they have a spirit of a young child living there, they may leave a "special" doll up in the attic for her. Then they can ask that the ghost not bother their kids or their kids toys, because she has her own now.

Cleansing With Sound

Think of the energy in churches, temples, and cathedrals. They are continuously being cleansed and blessed with incense, bells, candles, and prayer. These places always feel so peaceful yet so powerful. So protecting.

There are many peaceful healing sounds you can find. Try Tibetan bells or sound bowls to see if it helps improve the energy around your house. Sounds reaches in every corner and space in your house to clear out that bad energy.

If you have had any success with cleansing your mind, body, home or any other area, please leave your comments below on what worked for you.


  1. I always had the feeling that there was something in my room. It would stop my internet or create havoc with my browsing. I redorted to lighting strong scented incense sticks and that did it. My internet came back to normal. I continue with this till date.

    1. Thank you Tvisha for leaving this comment. I always want to hear back from people on what worked for them. I am glad you found something to get rid of the interference from them. <3

    2. Thanks!!!This is a very detailed and useful sight! Thanks again for sharing!
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    3. People are invaded for real but no one should do evil to correct the mess. Just keep doing good and cast away the bad guys as someone mentioned. Anyone that has succeeded to drive away harassing witches using a Holy means should contact me,please and may God bless.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What works best if you have neighbours living above you who has been spiritually attacking you for years, who try everything to try and make you live in fear under their cloud. get so jealous and angry because you are happy and always singing and laughing. Now because I always bounce back and they never hear or see me upset or crying they have stepped things up and I feel put spirit in my home. Twice in one week something knocked my cup over. Can I clear this with sage and prayer? I believe I can but it's good to talk to others with similar experiences. Salt is very powerful if you set your intentions and charge it correctly otherwise it will still clear things but won't be as strong.

    1. Honestly,if they sent spirit to you,there'd be more than a couple of knocked over coffee cups.

    2. You can clear anything with prayer. Sage always helps but it is faith that prevails most. If you are a child of the Lord he has given us the privilege of using his name and the name of Jesus prevails most of all. The name of Jesus has Authority and if you are his child you have authority over all of the spiritual realm including demons so cast that demon back into hell In The Name of Jesus Christ and you will succeed but you must have faith. Demons feed off of your fear so never be afraid. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.

    3. Isn't those "lucky charms" and any anything that "warding evil off",
      The LORD doesn't want you and us to carried those "harmless" things like Idols, witchcraft, sorcery l, or any that are work of devil. Please, you must be careful what your write. I hope you understand what I meant about charms and amulets.

    4. Isn't those "lucky charms" and any anything that "warding evil off",
      The LORD doesn't want you and us to carried those "harmless" things like Idols, witchcraft, sorcery l, or any that are work of devil. Please, you must be careful what your write. I hope you understand what I meant about charms and amulets.

  4. Annie_S

    I wonder if anyone can help me or give me any suggestions, I recently purchased a condo, a couple weeks after moving in I felt a spirit climbing over my body while sleeping, I felt a strong wind sweep over my body as he got on top of me, he spoke to me in Spanish and I kept pleading for him to leave me alone and get off me. This spirit repeated this several times by getting on top me when I slept, I felt very scared and uncomfortable, that he was touching me inappropriately and I fought him off every time he did this. For a short while after changing my sleeping position hugging pillows and other things to prevent from giving him open access to me, turning lights on or leaving the tv on all night, filling my bedroom with plants like a fern, etc. he has resorted to new tactics.

    I started feeling his presence in my dreams, the first time he invaded my dreams he spoke to me but his voice was garbled and I could not decipher what he is trying to tell me. In other newer dreams he doesn't speak to me anymore but he has pushed me across the room and moved inanimate objects. I think it's the same spirit but I'm not sure if it's the same or an even darker spirit than the first as he no longer talks to me like the first. It's hard for me to sleep and I can feel that he has a very negative energy that he gives off, I can feel it when my room gets dark at night, my mom has even told me she's felt a negative energy too and that when she was sleeping she felt something climb her bed and sit near the foot of her bed.

    I am not superstitious or religious but I feel something negative in my apartment and I don't know how to get rid of it. I don't know if it's just the apartment I'm in but ever since I was little my mom says that I used to see negative spirits when I was little and I would tell her about shadows and evil witches I saw that tried to take me away, my mom never let me see anything scarier than dumbo or Bambi so I doubt it could be due to anything on tv. I still have memories of seeing things all the way up to junior high. Sometimes I saw dark shadows sometimes I had things fall off a counter by themselves, in one of our old houses the music would play at night when the radio was off. I don't know if I attract these sort of spirits and how I can get them to leave me alone.

    Many years ago in a dream I went to a very dark place, I was looking for my nanny who used to travel to places in her dreams, I found some very dark spirits there who did not want to let me go. I got away and I never attempted to go to places in my dreams again. I've always seen things I can't rationally explain but they seem to be escalating in this new apartment. I don't know anyone like my nanny who works with spirits or cleanses houses, etc. I'm thinking of hanging a wind chime inside my room by the windows to have positive sounds, maybe spraying something sweet like a perfume, maybe a night light with a projector with ocean waves and the sound of the ocean to create a peaceful environment. I'm afraid to sleep and I feel it in my room. I don't know what to do to create a positive energy in my house and ward off these dark energies, can anyone please help me?

    1. would start with a paranormal investigator coming to your home and have it checked out...maybe sage your home and leave a bible open in your bedroom...if it is a dark entity that will make it may also what to go to a rock shop and get a few black tourmaline stones to get rid of negativity and place them around your home and carry one in your pocket..put one under your pillow as well...i hope this helps... ♡ love and light to you ♡

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I to feel a spirit at night in bed with me. I can feel heat and heart beat.It walks around me. Times it sounds like a rat pulling on the stuffing of the bed.I Feel someone lay next to me. I catch myself waking up taking to it. But no one is there.I am scared to go to bed.I done the holy water and salt. It is still here

    4. I to feel a spirit at night in bed with me. I can feel heat and heart beat.It walks around me. Times it sounds like a rat pulling on the stuffing of the bed.I Feel someone lay next to me. I catch myself waking up taking to it. But no one is there.I am scared to go to bed.I done the holy water and salt. It is still here

  5. I would start with a paranormal investigator coming to your home and have it checked out...maybe sage your home and leave a bible open in your bedroom...if it is a dark entity that will make it may also what to go to a rock shop and get a few black tourmaline stones to get rid of negativity and place them around your home and carry one in your pocket..put one under your pillow as well...i hope this helps... ♡ love and light to you ♡

  6. I was just wondering if the salt would still be effective when placed in water after being charged? Or maybe charging the salt water? As I desperately need to cleanse my new room

  7. i think my family were having experience a badluck until now, My father is an ofw he's been 3yrs lookin for job and but his already australian father is a hard worker and really good father to us.he try his best and were so proud of it im his daughter.We trying our best for our daily food and we stop our studies.Then we think that after my father bought a 2 chinese vase for display in our livingroom thats a start of our bad things happen and being a jobless.can you help me?

  8. I just finished smudging with white sage in my house and my person. Afterwards i was out of breath and my chest felt heavy. Is this normal?

    1. I havent heard of that happening. Not sure if thats a spiritual thing or a physical one. If it gets any worse for sure go to the dr or call one to make sure you are not having an allergic reaction. Have you smudged before or been around sage? Maybe it could be the anxiety of it all..or the energy putting up a fight? what were you smudging for?

  9. I am having a lot of bad accidents that are leaving me with bad bruising I recently had an argument with an Indian Guy after wards I went on Indian land and something I felt pick me up under my arms and with great speed I went crashing to the sidewalk broken bone in my arm and ribs I have been pushed and poked in my apartment.I am Wiccan and can useally deal with these kind of things but the Indian energy is very strong how can I make peace with Spiritual Energy or Shamans.Blessed Be...)0(

  10. This is hugely informative and positively written. Thank you for the guidance.

  11. This is hugely informative and positively written. Thank you for the guidance.

    1. thank you Tracy, if you came here for help I hope you found it. <3

  12. I used dried lemograss for the smudging, does that work too?

  13. Hello!!! I really need some help with these things... We have 3-4 bad spirits in our home especially near and outside my room... And, last night only, one of them tried to strangle mom while she was sleeping... She is doing everything to ward them off but to no avail... Please help us :( My email is

    1. Sounds like your mom has negative energy around her. You need to cleanse your home and everyone in it. Hope this helps.

  14. I need help my oldest brother is being messed with by evil spirits he puts crosses around his room doors and puts water in cups and doesn't communicate with us as much anymore plz help me !!! My number is 951-545-0061 or email me

  15. I need help my oldest brother is being messed with by evil spirits he puts crosses around his room doors and puts water in cups and doesn't communicate with us as much anymore plz help me !!! My number is 951-545-0061 or email me

  16. hi, I will try some of these thanks, I have had quite a bit of paranormal sightings and senses in my house, I had to change bedrooms because that's were they mainly are, there not good ones either, most of them so thanks I will try some of these things

  17. My friend and I are dealing with a evil spirit that drains our energy at night. We have used sage and smudged around the house. However we still feel him something watching us. Anything else we can try, we have also put salt on front of our door.

  18. I am having an issue with a spirit in my house I asked it to leave in the beginning of summer and now its back and I think its a bad spirit I need help.

  19. i have been plagued with serious health issues that have no known cause or cur since my early 20s,i am now 34yrs old.the negative energy and unexplained pain throughout my life and to the people closest to me have been there my whole life.the feeling of bieng watched and bad spirirts have also been there as long as i can remember.recently i went thru a divorce and battle with my health getting oldest son started getting plague with the same debilatating anxiety that ive been plagued with.i sall a black mass in my living room about 3months ago.about 4ft in hieghth i could not see thru it,as quickly as it was there it turned and was gone.this friday night i was laying down forn bed and felt that someone was watching felt to get so close that it was inches from my face.its the first time ive felt it was a man who was angry.the wierd thing was i could see the face when i closed my eyes,it seemed to make it worse.the fear got to the point that i covered my face with the blanket and prayed to god like a child.ive demanded that they leave in the name of christ for years,it seems to work forn the moment then thier back.can you offer me any help?i have called preachers in my area to bless the home or to offer advice.wierd thing is they never at a loss on what to do.the energy feels somewhat better in my home but i am worried it is in my boyfriends home now because thats where im feeling and seeing the negative energy now.

    1. It is unfortunate that evil beings exist,and tormenting human to please themselves. I am in a similar situation,hoping that Holyghost poweand
